Vibration Notifier

by j4velin



Maybe you know this situation: Your phones lays on your desk, youre in the kitchen and you get called. You do not hear your ring and when you come back to your desk, you dont notice that you were called because your device has no notification LED or you dont notice that little blinking...Vibration Notifier offers a solution to this scenario: When you have a missed call, unread SMS or any other event*, the app keeps vibrating every X minutes for Y times or until you turn on the display of your device.Troubleshooting: The app wont beep if your device is set to silent mode etc. Please note that the app does not change the vibration setting of the other apps, it will only do additional vibrations/beeps if you dont turn on your display before!An optional feature is available as an in-app purchase (0.99 EUR) with which youll get these repeating vibrations on your Android Wear smartwatch!* all apps which notify you about new events by showing a notification in the Android status bar are supported, like WhatsApp, GoogleTalk, Twitter, facebook, etc. Note that this require access to your notification bar---------If the app doesnt work: Please check if your device manufacturer implemented a "feature" which prevents apps from running, like Samsungs "Battery Optimizer", Sonys "Stamina", Huaweis "Protected Apps" or anything like that.---------Silent hours: Please note that when you set up a silent hours interval in the app, only Vibration Notifier itself wont vibrate or beep. It does not mute other apps so if you receive a new mail, your Gmail app might still beep!Initial vibration: The app vibrates/beeps after the time set in the app - it does not vibrate/beep immediatelly when you receive a notification (the notifying app is responsible for that vibration)! However, there is an option in the app to get the initial vibration on the connected Android Wear device.---------The "vibrate on connected Android Wear devices" requires an "Android Wear" smartwatch. It does not work on a Pebble or a Samsung Tizen watch. You can use the option to send a test command to the watch to check if youre having a compatible device.---------This app uses Accessibility services. The accessibility service is necessary on Android versions prior to 4.3 to be notified about new notifications. The accessilibty service is not needed on newer versions of Android.Permissions:VIBRATE - obviously necessary to enable the "vibrate every X min" featureREAD_PHONE_STATE - needed to detect missed callsRECEIVE_SMS & READ_SMS - needed to detect unread SMSWAKE_LOCK - seems like this is needed on some device to avoid infinite vibratingREAD_CALL_LOG & READ_CONTACTS - needed to differentiate between missed & rejected callsREAD_CONTENT_PROVIDER & GET_ACCOUNTS - necessary for new method to get unread GmailsWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Android Wear communication